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Our Practice

Emodied psychotherapy
& couples therapy

Guiding individual people and couples is our expertise and professional passion. Following a business career we both have had a wide range of trainings and are experienced in individual body oriented psychotherapy (core energetics) and couples therapy. An embodied approach quickly clarifies the core of your question. How you inhibit yourself and where and how your energy flow is blocked. The combination of increased consciousness and more body awareness leads to a natural transformation process with lasting results.


In couples therapy we work with EFT (Emotionally Focussed couples Therapy) and Embodied Couples Mentoring (ECM). We guide couples together as this adds value and brings a unique balance in the sessions: a couple guiding another couple. This is feedback we get from a lot of couples.


Both in individual work and in couples therapy we work with an open heart, based on knowledge, intuition and personal experience with profound processes. Frequently we work with people from abroad in which case English is the main language. Whenever distance forms an obstacle we can work via video calls.


In case you have any questions or want to make an appointment please contact one of us.


Individual therapy /
personal leadership

a process from feeling

stuck to being free;

giving more space to your authentic self

Couples therapy

without judgement seeing the source of patterns in yourself and your partner;

let love flow again

Business counceling

personal leadership and guidance in business related issues

Training & workshops

for information please  contact us



     +31 (0)6 53 42 06 48


    +31 (0)6 41 51 22 30

    Linda & Rob:


    Office building De Blauwe Baronnen

    Tappersweg 14-20

    2031 EV  Haarlem


    CC nr 73547735

    VAT nr NL859570897B01


    ​Professional organisations membership:

    CAT-Collectief / GAT / EFT-nl

    Thanks! You'll hear form us shortly

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